Motus is 2.5x More Likely to Make a Sale via an Inbound Call

Case Study
Customer Story


Motus is a diversified (non-manufacturing) business in the automotive sector with an unrivalled scale and scope in South Africa. Logimeter started working with Motus in 2018. We had the pleasure of chatting with Magdel du Preez, the former Leads and Insights Manager at Motus, about the inbound call tracking solutions they used before Logimeter. The conversation offered insights into how our products made a significant difference in their understanding of call behaviours and ultimately led to higher lead conversions.  

When Logimeter and Motus originally began working together, Motus onboarded various Logimeter products, but this interview focuses specifically on Logimeter’s inbound call tracking products.

"Logimeter surfaced data that wasn't previously accessible to us - consequently helping us reduce our lead acquisition costs and improve our lead to sale conversion rate." - Magdel Du Preez (Former Leads and Insights Manager at Motus)



In 2018, Motus introduced Logimeter’s Call Tracker product into their business. Prior to this, they utilised the call tracking data provided by each of the portals which were managed as separate data sheets and they had to use reports that didn’t consolidate. Moreover none of the data was fed into their lead management system (LMS). With the implementation of the Logimeter products, they didn’t change their engagement with the portals but rather rerouted where the portal calls were going. Motus routed portal calls to Logimeter tracking numbers who in turn routed them to each of their dealership switchboards.

This transition resulted in Motus accessing all of their data and call recordings in one place, the Logimeter calls dashboard. As well as accurately tracking the number of calls going into each dealership and which media source the calls originated. Motus took this approach with the call traffic coming from the car portals, google and their dealer websites.


Another feature of Call Tracker was its Missed Call Notifications, which alerted the dealership of a missed call, and supplied the missed caller’s number and the name of the media from which they were calling. The missed caller also received an SMS advising them their contact information had been captured and a company representative would call them as soon as possible. Any missed caller captured this way and converted into a sale would’ve been lost before the introduction of this particular Logimeter feature.


Another aspect of Call Manager revolved around allocating callers to the correct people within the dealership, thus bypassing the reception, which can sometimes be a bottleneck. So when someone pressed 1 to speak to the new car sales department, all of the Sales Executive’s phones would ring simultaneously and the fastest finger took the call. Call Manager captured who took the call which meant that every sales call could now be automatically captured in their CRM/LMS platform and qualified by the Sales Executive. Taking this approach provided some incredible insights.

1) The overall number of leads being captured in the LMS materially increased when Motus automatically captured inbound sales calls

2) Inbound call conversion is 250% higher than inbound lead conversion

3) There are double-digit missed call percentages in most dealerships


“Through the implementation of Logimeters products, Motus understood that they should prioritise inbound sales calls due to their better conversion rates.”

“Another finding was that if a salesperson were able to book a meeting with a prospect during their first contact with a prospect (inbound and outbound) – that person was 2.5 times more likely to make a sale.”


In implementing these products, Motus’s lead acquisition costs improved due to a better understanding of which advertising options were worth keeping. They were also able to increase their inbound sales call conversion rates due to having clear visibility of all their sales calls.

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